Tacoma Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents frequently happen in Washington and can result in major property damage, devastating injuries, and even death. Survivors of serious accidents face mounting medical and rehabilitation bills at a time they may be unable to work, and financial losses that can easily exceed the limits of a car insurance policy. Life may never be the same, which means you need the help of a Tacoma car accident lawyer.

If you or a loved one was injured or someone died in a car crash, you may be entitled to compensation through insurance or a car accident lawsuit. However, Washington’s personal injury laws are complicated, and insurance companies will attempt to deny claims or get you to settle for less than your case is worth. Representing yourself in a car accident case could be a costly mistake, but an experienced car accident attorney can help you get the full compensation you deserve.

The Tacoma car accident attorneys at Strong Law Firm handle all negotiations and legal hurdles involved with winning fair compensation. Let us take the burden off you so you can concentrate on your recovery and your family.

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to determine the best way to move forward, and there are no fees unless we win your case. Call us today at 206-741-1053 to get started.


Our Tacoma Car Accident Attorneys Work for You


Why Choose Strong Law Firm?

Our team at Strong Law knows the challenges of facing financial worries while recovering from injuries after an accident and will be your best ally as you go through your car accident case. While no amount of money can make up for the trauma, pain, and suffering you are going through, a monetary award can help take the burdens off you and help you rebuild your life. We know the complexities of Washington law, and how to deal with the insurance companies and their attorneys, the courts, and the system.

There are many attorneys in Tacoma, and it is important for you to find one you not only feel comfortable with, but who has the qualifications to get the results you need. Here are some reasons why we think Strong Law is your best choice:

  • We have the experience you need. Attorney Jed Strong founded the firm in 2016, after working for insurance companies and learning their inner workings. He uses his inside knowledge of insurance companies to help advocate for his clients.
  • We care about our clients. It shows in the testimonials they provide to describe how we’ve helped them through the difficult times after a Tacoma car crash.
  • We win big. Our Tacoma car accident attorneys at Strong Law win 98% of our cases, including a 1.1 million dollar settlement for a rear-end accident at a stoplight.
  • We take care of all dealings with insurance companies. We know the tactics insurance companies use and know how to negotiate on your behalf. We make every effort to win a fair settlement out of court but are fully prepared to take your case to court if necessary.
  • We offer free consultations to discuss the circumstances of your case and show you how we can help.
  • We work on a contingency basis, so you pay no fees unless and until we win, and you get your money.

Strong Law Firm knows how to protect the finances of our clients, and our car accident lawyers in Tacoma are experienced litigators who are not afraid to take your case to court. Our track record shows that when anyone has been injured in a Tacoma car crash, Strong Law Firm knows how to get the results they deserve.

How Our Car Accident Attorneys Can Help You


Building a Case

When you have our Strong Law legal team on your side, we will start working for you immediately. We will:

  • Meet with you to discuss how the accident happened, whom you think the at-fault parties may be, and determine what type of settlement we should go after.
  • Investigate the accident thoroughly, gathering evidence such as photos and videos from the scene and police, ambulance, and medical reports.
  • Interview witnesses and first responders.
  • Consult with experts in accident reconstruction and experts who can testify as to your costs, damages, and the expected effects on your life.
  • Thoroughly assess all your damages, including current and future medical bills, all forms of lost income, damaged property, and non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company and their lawyers for maximum compensation.
  • Build your case and take it to court to win full and fair compensation, should negotiations break down.

Our legal team at Strong Law has extensive expertise in assisting accident victims in Tacoma in obtaining sizable settlements and victories at trial, and we are there to help you through this really challenging time in your life. We will explain the process of your case at every step and will be ready to answer any questions you may have.

Fighting for Your Future

With Strong Law, you have an advocate dedicated to you. We genuinely care about your recovery and your future. Our Tacoma car accident lawyers have seen how other car accident victims have had their lives turned upside down. It is our mission to get your life back on track as soon as possible. Let us take care of all legal hurdles and requirements.

Do not leave your future to chance. Get the best possible outcome and all the compensation you deserve in your Tacoma car accident case.

After you or a loved one suffered an injury in one of the many crashes on Tacoma roadways, you need to work with our Tacoma car accident lawyers immediately. The first steps right after an accident are to get medical attention and report the accident to your insurance company. Your next step needs to be contacting our car accident attorneys as soon as possible. Do not provide any details to your insurer without getting our guidance first.

Our car accident lawyers at Strong Law can help you get compensation for your injuries to cover the costs of your medical care right after the accident and in the future.

We are ready to fight for what you deserve to get compensation for your lost wages and for damages to your property. Call Strong Law today at 206-741-1053.

Compensation Our Tacoma Car Accident Attorneys May Recover

Expenses can quickly add up after a severe accident. That is why our attorneys are careful to document all the details of your injuries and the medical care you will need. Our efforts mean we can secure the compensation that will cover the added expenses you will face. Our job is to relieve your stress. You should not have to shoulder financial worries. Instead, you should be able to focus on healing.

In a successful case in Washington State, our Strong Law personal injury attorneys can win a settlement that covers both your economic and non-economic damages.

Economic Damages

When you are involved in a car accident in Tacoma that results in significant injury, you may be able to be compensated for economic damages which cover your financial losses that include:

  • Lost Wages — Whether you are out of work for a couple of weeks or a few months or your injuries require you to be out of work permanently, you are entitled to be compensated for your wage losses. If you cannot return to work, your car accident lawyers in Tacoma can estimate how much you could potentially lose in wages and benefits.
  • Medical Expenses — In addition to the medical bills for your treatment immediately following an accident, you can also seek compensation for specialized tests, transportation to and from medical visits, and prescription medications. Severe car accidents that result in brain or spinal injuries may have very high medical costs.
  • Home Modifications — If your home requires modification so you can stay at home while recovering, you may be able to hold the negligent parties financially responsible for the costs of these modifications.
  • Property damage, including repairing or replacing your car.
  • In the case of a fatal accident, funeral, and burial expenses.
  • Other Possible Compensation — Every case is different, and it is important for you to have a skilled healthcare team address your physical condition following a car accident. If you are unable to return to work, you may be entitled to receive compensation for vocational rehabilitation and other expenses which you may incur because of your injuries. In extreme cases, we may be able to seek punitive damages.

The case value of every Tacoma car accident claim is unique. Factors like dependents, long-term health prognoses, and the ability to eventually return to work can all have a direct bearing on the amount of money you can claim for economic damages. The experienced car accident lawyers at Strong Law Firm know how to maximize your total compensation by considering each category carefully and building a compelling argument to prove why your injuries merit the compensation we are seeking on your behalf.

Non-Economic Damages

Depending on the details of your accident, you may also be entitled to payment for your non-economic damages. These are for damages that do not have a specific monetary value, but negatively impact your life, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of companionship or consortium
  • Disability or disfigurement
  • Mental or emotional distress.

No one should be put in financial peril because of someone else’s negligence. As soon as possible after a car accident, you should contact our Tacoma car accident attorneys for help. Rather than attempt to negotiate with an insurance company on your own, allow someone who is committed to getting the maximum possible compensation for your injuries to advocate on your behalf.

Our team will explain how this applies to your case. Call our Tacoma car accident attorneys at Strong Law today at 206-741-1053.

Our Car Accident Lawyers in Tacoma Must Prove Negligence

To win your car accident lawsuit, our car accident attorneys will have to show that another party, the defendant in the case, was negligent and at fault, and therefore liable for the accident. The following are necessary elements to prove liability:

  • The defendant had a duty of care not to harm you,
  • The party violated that duty,
  • This violation caused your injuries, and
  • You suffered damages as a result.

In addition to another driver, who may have driven while drunk or distracted, there may be other parties who were negligent and contributed to the accident. Examples include the manufacturer of the car or its parts, if these were defective and failed, the mechanic who repaired a car improperly, or a road maintenance company that left debris in the road. Our Tacoma car accident attorneys would look to name them all as defendants, as they all may have assets and insurance that can go toward a settlement.

Even if you did something to contribute to the accident, our Tacoma personal injury attorneys could still help you collect compensation. According to Washington law (RCW 4.22.005), if you are partially to blame for the accident, you can still win compensation, but your award would be reduced by the proportion of fault you bear. However, that is in proportion to the defendant’s degree of fault. For example, if your case is worth $100,000 and you are 20 percent at fault, the award you receive will be $80,000.

What to Expect from Your Tacoma Car Injury Case


When you come to Strong Law Firm to discuss your car accident claim, one of our Tacoma car accident attorneys will sit down with you and give you their assessment of your options. You will obtain an understanding of how we can help, how long it may take, and the possible compensation you may receive if you move forward with a claim.

Investigating the Accident

Once you begin working with us, we will conduct a thorough investigation into your car accident. Doing so is essential for proving the other party’s negligence. We will build an argument demonstrating the other party’s fault, and to achieve that, we might need to collect the following evidence:

  • Police reports
  • Medical reports
  • Traffic and security camera footage
  • Witness testimony
  • Accident reconstruction specialist testimony.

Proving fault is a unique process in every accident. Some cases are straightforward, whereas others might take considerably more work. However, establishing the other party’s liability is essential to move forward with your claim, and the experienced car accident attorneys at Strong Law Firm have an impressive track record of successfully building a winning case for clients.

Identifying Compensation

Once our attorneys have done the work and proved that the other party can be held financially responsible for your injuries, our next goal is to maximize your compensation. Our team will thoroughly consider all possible claims you can make under both economic and non-economic damages. A compensation goal needs to be backed up by evidence that shows why the amount you are seeking is justified. Our car accident lawyers will work to collect evidence, including medical bills, pay stubs, and other proof of costs and losses to maximize the compensation you are owed.


Once we have done our work to prove liability and maximize compensation, the final task is to convince the insurance company to agree to a fair settlement. Doing so is never easy, as insurance companies intentionally employ tactics designed to minimize their payouts. At Strong Law Firm, though, we leverage the insurance industry knowledge of founding attorney Jed Strong to fight back against unfair insurance practices and secure fair compensation for our clients.


Insurance companies do not like going to court. Lawsuits can be lengthy, expensive affairs, and it is often cheaper for an insurance company to simply settle. When an insurance company refuses to offer you a fair settlement, simply filing a lawsuit may be enough to convince them to agree to a payout, but in some cases, taking a case to court for a verdict is the only way to gain fair compensation for a client. When that is the case, you can rest assured knowing that the Tacoma car accident lawyers at Strong Law Firm have a long track record of achieving successful outcomes in court.

Tacoma Car Accident Attorneys Answer FAQs


After a traumatic car accident, you are bound to have questions and concerns. While these are best covered in your free consultation, to get you started, here are some answers to questions our car accident lawyers are often asked:

Should I accept an offer from the insurance company?

Do not accept any offer from insurance without having our attorneys review it first. Insurance companies are out for profit and will attempt to get you to accept a lowball offer quickly, so they can be off the hook for future losses. Once you do, chances are you will be forfeiting your right to ask for additional compensation should your losses exceed the amount you are offered. We are aware of the tactics they use and know how to negotiate on your behalf. Tell the insurance company to speak to your attorney and let Strong Law handle all dealings with them.

How much compensation will I get?

There is no set amount a victim of a Tacoma car accident can count on for a settlement, which may range from thousands to millions of dollars, depending on the circumstances. Numerous factors, including the severity of your injuries, the time you lose from work, your actual costs, and the long-term outlook for your health, will all play a role in the outcome. The more serious an injury, the higher the potential settlement. The skill and negotiating power of your Tacoma car accident attorney also plays a role.

Will I have to go to court?

In most cases, you will not have to go to court, and you may not even need to file a lawsuit. Our Strong Law car accident attorneys will have a good idea of what your case is worth and will negotiate on your behalf for a fair settlement. If negotiations break down and we must file a lawsuit, there is still a good chance that we can reach a settlement before the case goes to trial. However, we are fully prepared to litigate if necessary.

What if a death occurs from the injury?

If the injury results in death, we can file a suit for wrongful death. Wrongful death cases can be thought of as personal injury cases where family members or the personal representative of the deceased bring a claim for their loved one who can no longer bring it themselves.

How much does it cost to hire a Tacoma car accident Lawyer?

The good news is that at Strong Law you do not have to worry about paying legal fees upfront. Our Tacoma car accident attorneys accept cases on a contingency basis. This means unless we are successful in obtaining a settlement on your behalf, we do not collect any legal fees. Once we settle your case, we will take our fee from the settlement.

We understand that clients have many questions after an accident and are here to answer them as they arise.

Our Tacoma car accident lawyers will be there for you throughout the entire legal process, keeping you informed and addressing your concerns. Call Strong Law today at 206-741-1053.

Car Accident Infographic

Car Accident Lawyer Facts Infographic

What You Do After a Car Accident in Tacoma Can Impact Your Case


Following a car accident, victims should take the following steps and heed these warnings:

  • Seek medical attention — Even when you think your injuries are minor, get immediate medical attention.
  • Notify your insurance company — Use caution when speaking with insurers to make sure you do not accept any blame for the accident.
  • Keep track of your progress and setbacks — as you recover, keep track of any progress you make recovering from your injuries, as well as any setbacks you may experience.

There are important reasons for these steps. Proving your injuries requires medical documentation. When speaking with an insurance adjuster, accepting any responsibility could impact your ability to get a fair settlement. Finally, your car accident lawyer will need information about your recovery and setbacks to strengthen your legal claim.

What You Should Know About Tacoma Car Accident Injury Cases

Tacoma Roadways See Thousands of Crashes Each Year

According to the Tacoma traffic reporting system, in the last full reporting year, there were over 4,000 crashes on Tacoma roadways. While some accidents were minor, resulting in only property damage, hundreds of crashes resulted in injury and at least twenty-seven people lost their lives because of Tacoma crashes.

When a car accident occurs, there may be cameras in the area that can help identify the cause of the accident. Film from traffic cameras, cameras on storefronts, and ATM cameras are often overwritten within days of being recorded. Contacting a Tacoma car accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident can ensure that such evidence is preserved.

Victims of a car accident should document any physical changes they are dealing with during their recovery. This can be important, because over the course of a couple of weeks following an accident, you may see signs or symptoms which indicate you have a more serious injury than was first thought. Should this occur, make sure you follow up with your healthcare team.

Protecting Your Rights and Seeking Compensation

Car accidents can be devastating, resulting in physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens as a Tacoma, WA car accident lawyer is all too familiar with. If you have been involved in a car accident, it’s essential to understand your legal rights and options. Seeking the assistance of a lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected and help you navigate the complex legal process to seek compensation for your damages. Contact a lawyer at Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys for help.

A lawyer that specializes in personal injury law should have extensive knowledge and experience in handling car accident cases. They understand the intricacies of Washington state laws and regulations related to auto accidents. Hiring a lawyer can be crucial in building a strong case and maximizing your chances of receiving fair compensation.

One of the primary roles of a lawyer is to investigate the accident thoroughly. They will gather evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, photographs, and medical records, to determine liability and prove the extent of your damages. This investigation process is vital in establishing a solid foundation for your case.

Another crucial aspect that a Tacoma car accident lawyer handles is dealing with insurance companies. Insurance companies are notorious for trying to minimize their payouts, often offering inadequate settlements to accident victims. An experienced lawyer knows how to negotiate with insurance adjusters and fight for your rights. They will ensure that you are not taken advantage of and will pursue fair compensation on your behalf.

In cases where a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, an accident lawyer will not hesitate to take your case to court. They have the expertise to present your case effectively and argue for the compensation you deserve. Whether it’s filing the necessary paperwork, gathering expert witnesses, or presenting compelling arguments, your lawyer will navigate the legal system and fight for your best interests.

When it comes to compensation, a lawyer will seek damages for various losses you have suffered. These may include medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. They will assess the impact of the accident on your life and work tirelessly to secure a settlement that adequately reflects your damages.

Time is of the essence in car accident cases, as Washington state has a statute of limitations that limits the time within which you can file a lawsuit. Consulting a lawyer promptly after the accident will ensure that important deadlines are met and evidence is preserved.

When selecting a lawyer, it’s crucial to choose someone with a proven track record of success in handling similar cases. Look for a lawyer who is dedicated, compassionate, and has a strong commitment to client advocacy. A lawyer who understands your needs and fights passionately on your behalf can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

If you have been involved in a car accident seeking the assistance of an accident lawyer is essential. They will protect your rights, handle the legal complexities, and work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve. Don’t face the aftermath of a car accident alone—reach out to a trusted Tacoma car accident lawyer at Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys to guide you through this challenging time.

Client Testimonial

”I was in a hit and run accident on March 11, 2022. Strong Law Firmt took my case. I had excellent service from them. My attorney Ben was great, but the super Star was Cristina. She truly took the bull by the horns and got everything done for me in a timely and expeditious manner. She was a true peach and I am so glad to have worked with her. Thanks Cristina!!!” – Laurie Rogers (Google Review)

Car Accident Lawyer Qualities

If you’ve endured injuries in a vehicle collision, you may want to talk to a Tacoma, WA car accident lawyer. You may be eligible to receive compensation for your losses. A lawyer from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys can help you pursue fair compensation.

Expertise in Car Accident Laws:

  • Car accident lawyers specialize in the legal field of personal injury law, specifically dealing with cases related to car accidents.
  • They have in-depth knowledge of state and federal laws concerning traffic regulations, liability, insurance claims, and negligence.

Legal Guidance and Consultation:

  • A car accident lawyer offers valuable legal guidance and consultation to accident victims, ensuring they understand their rights and legal options.
  • They assess the case, gather evidence, and determine the liable party responsible for the accident.
  • Lawyers provide insights into the potential compensation victims may be entitled to, covering medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering.

Effective Negotiation:

  • A Tacoma car accident lawyer is a skilled negotiator who advocates on behalf of their clients during settlement discussions with insurance companies.
  • They strive to obtain fair and just compensation for their clients by presenting evidence, evaluating medical records, and negotiating with insurance adjusters.

Thorough Investigation:

  • Lawyers conduct a thorough investigation into the accident, collecting relevant evidence such as accident reports, witness statements, photographs, and medical records.
  • They work with accident reconstruction experts to analyze the scene, determine liability, and build a strong case on behalf of their clients.

Handling Insurance Claims:

  • Car accident lawyers navigate the complex process of filing insurance claims on behalf of their clients.
  • They ensure all necessary documentation is submitted, including medical bills, repair estimates, and other relevant evidence.
  • Lawyers communicate with insurance adjusters, negotiating for a fair settlement and protecting clients from being taken advantage of by insurance companies.

Court Representation:

  • If a fair settlement can’t be reached, car accident lawyers provide strong representation in court.
  • They prepare and present compelling arguments, cross-examine witnesses, and advocate for their clients’ rights before judges and juries.
  • Lawyers use their legal expertise to present a persuasive case, aiming to secure maximum compensation for their clients.

Proving Liability and Negligence:

  • Car accident lawyers investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident to establish liability and negligence.
  • They examine factors such as distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, defective auto parts, or road conditions to determine who is at fault.
  • Lawyers gather evidence to support their claims, using expert testimony, accident reconstruction, and other relevant information.

Statute of Limitations Compliance:

  • Car accident lawyers ensure their clients adhere to the statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims.
  • They know about the specific time limits within which a lawsuit must be filed, preventing clients from losing their right to seek compensation due to missed deadlines.

Emotional Support and Peace of Mind:

  • Car accident lawyers provide emotional support and peace of mind during a challenging time.
  • They deal with all the legal aspects of the case, allowing clients to focus on their recovery and well-being.
  • Lawyers act as allies, offering reassurance and guidance throughout the legal process.

Schedule a consultation with a Tacoma car accident lawyer from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys today.

What Should I Do Immediately After A Car Accident?

As a Tacoma, WA car accident lawyer knows, immediate action after an accident is necessary.  Firstly, prioritize safety by moving to a safe location if possible and calling for emergency medical assistance if anyone is injured. Notify the police immediately, as their presence will help document the accident scene and gather crucial evidence. While waiting for the authorities to arrive, collect pertinent information from the other driver(s) involved, such as names, contact details, and insurance information. It’s also wise to take photos of the accident scene, vehicle damage, and any relevant road signs or traffic signals. Additionally, preserving evidence like witness statements and surveillance footage, if available, can significantly strengthen your potential car accident claim.

How Can I Prove The Other Driver’s Negligence Caused The Accident?

Proving the other driver’s negligence is essential to establish liability in a car accident claim. Your car accident lawyer will diligently investigate the circumstances surrounding the collision. They will analyze police reports, eyewitness testimonies, and any available video footage or photographs from the accident scene. Your legal counsel will also assess road conditions, weather, and relevant traffic laws to build a compelling case. A trusted Tacoma car accident lawyer can assess the road conditions, weather, and traffic laws so that they can build a strong case. By gathering this evidence and employing accident reconstruction experts if necessary, your lawyer will aim to demonstrate that the other driver breached their duty of care, directly causing the accident and your resulting injuries or damages.

What Damages Can I Recover After A Car Accident?

It is common for car accident victims to be able to recover a diverse and wide range of damages, depending on their injuries and losses. These damages can include economic and non-economic losses. Economic damages encompass medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages due to time off work during recovery. Non-economic damages, on the other hand, aim to compensate for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life. In severe cases, where the accident resulted in long-term disability or permanent impairment, your lawyer may also pursue compensation for future medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, and diminished earning capacity.

Should I Communicate With Insurance Companies Without A Lawyer?

It is generally not advisable to communicate with insurance companies without first consulting a car accident lawyer. Insurance adjusters may seem helpful, but their primary goal is to minimize the company’s payout. Be careful about what kind of details you say, as any statement that you give can be used against you in a negative way. A car accident lawyer will act as your advocate and handle all communication with the insurance companies on your behalf. They have the experience and knowledge to negotiate effectively, ensuring your rights are protected and that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

How Long Do I Have To File A Car Accident Claim?

The statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim varies by state, ranging from one to six years. It is crucial, however, to seek legal advice as soon as possible after the accident. The earlier you engage a car accident lawyer, the better chances they have to gather essential evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the full extent of your injuries and damages. Moreover, early involvement allows your lawyer to negotiate with insurance companies from a stronger position, potentially leading to a quicker and more favorable settlement. Learn about your legal rights and options by speaking with a skilled Tacoma car accident lawyer like one from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys if you have been injured in an accident. 

Tacoma Car Accident Laws

If you have been in a car crash, contact our Tacoma car accident lawyer. Tacoma, located in Washington State, is subject to specific car accident laws that govern the rights and responsibilities of individuals involved in automobile accidents. Understanding these laws is crucial for residents and visitors to protect their rights and navigate the legal system effectively.

Comparative Negligence In Tacoma

In Tacoma, car accident laws follow a system of comparative negligence. This means that if you are involved in an accident, your compensation may be reduced in proportion to your degree of fault. For example, if you are found to be 20% at fault for the accident, your compensation will be reduced by that same percentage. It’s important to consult with a car accident attorney in Tacoma to assess your case and determine the degree of fault involved.

Statute Of Limitations

Tacoma, like the rest of Washington State, has a statute of limitations in place. This legal timeframe limits the window of opportunity for filing a car accident lawsuit. In Washington, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims, including car accidents, is typically three years from the date of the accident. However, it’s crucial to consult an attorney to ensure you file your claim within the appropriate time frame, as exceptions can apply in certain situations.

Mandatory Insurance Requirements

In Tacoma, all drivers are required to carry auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum coverage requirement. The minimum liability coverage required in Washington is 25/50/10, which means $25,000 for bodily injury per person, $50,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $10,000 for property damage. Failure to maintain this coverage can lead to penalties, including fines and potential suspension of your driving privileges.

No-Fault Insurance

Washington State follows a “fault” system when it comes to car accidents, which means the at-fault party is responsible for the damages. However, it’s essential to note that Washington State law allows individuals to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, which is a form of no-fault insurance. As a Tacoma car accident lawyer can confirm, PIP can help cover medical expenses and other costs, regardless of who is at fault in an accident.

Reporting A Car Accident In Tacoma

In Tacoma, it’s important to report a car accident to law enforcement if it results in injury, death, or significant property damage. The local police or the Washington State Patrol may respond to the scene, investigate the accident, and create an accident report. This report can be valuable for insurance claims and legal proceedings.

Compensation For Car Accident Injuries

If you’re injured in a car accident in Tacoma due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Consult with an experienced car accident attorney in Tacoma to understand the full extent of your rights and potential compensation.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, schedule a consultation with a Tacoma car accident lawyer. At Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys, we want to help you get the justice you deserve.

Understanding Injuries Sustained In Car Accidents

Vehicle collisions are a leading cause of personal injury, and the impact on individuals’ lives can be profound. Dealing with the aftermath of these accidents requires a compassionate approach, coupled with a deep understanding of the various ways in which individuals can be affected physically and emotionally. Here, we explore the complexities surrounding injuries resulting from vehicle collisions and the vital steps to take towards recovery and legal redress. Never try to go about this on your own. Our Tacoma, WA car accident lawyer from Strong Law Accident & Injury Attorneys can help with your case. We will be happy to set up a consultation to go over your car accident. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained from car accidents and how to deal with them. 

Head Injuries

One of the most severe outcomes of vehicle collisions is head and brain trauma. The force of impact can cause the brain to collide with the skull, leading to concussions or more severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI). These injuries can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from temporary disorientation to long-term cognitive impairment. Symptoms often include headaches, dizziness, memory loss, and changes in personality. The invisible nature of these injuries can make them particularly challenging to diagnose and treat.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The human spinal cord is crucial for bodily functions and mobility. In vehicle collisions, the abrupt force can lead to herniated discs, fractures, or even spinal cord damage. These injuries can result in chronic pain, reduced mobility, or in severe cases, paralysis. The road to recovery can be lengthy and may involve surgery, physical therapy, and ongoing medical care. The emotional and financial toll of these injuries can be substantial, impacting not just the individual but their entire support network. This is one of many reasons you absolutely need help from our skilled Tacoma car accident lawyer for your case to get maximum compensation. 


Often underestimated, whiplash and other soft tissue injuries are common in rear-end collisions. These injuries occur when the muscles and ligaments in the neck and back are stretched due to the sudden movement of the head and body. Symptoms can include neck pain, stiffness, and headaches. While these injuries are generally not life-threatening, they can cause significant discomfort and prolonged periods of reduced mobility.

Broken Bones

The force exerted in a vehicle collision can easily break or fracture bones. Commonly affected areas include the arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis. These injuries are not only painful but can also require extensive medical treatment including surgery, casting, and physical therapy. The recovery period can be lengthy, often necessitating time off work and adjustments to daily life.

Psychological Impacts

It is essential to acknowledge the psychological impact of vehicle collisions. Many individuals experience emotional and mental health challenges following such traumatic events, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These issues can be as debilitating as physical injuries, affecting an individual’s ability to return to normal life and requiring professional psychological support.

Working through the legal landscape following a vehicle collision can be overwhelming. Seeking skilled legal guidance from our Tacoma car accident lawyer is a critical step in ensuring rights are protected and fair compensation is secured. A dedicated legal team can offer invaluable support, managing the complexities of the claim process while allowing individuals to focus on their recovery.

Contact A Lawyer Right Away

For anyone affected by a vehicle collision, reaching out for legal assistance can make a significant difference in the journey towards healing and justice. It’s not just about financial compensation; it’s about restoring peace of mind and moving forward with life. Don’t hesitate to contact a knowledgeable legal advisor for a consultation to discuss the specific circumstances of the case and the best path forward. We will be more than happy to assist with your case!

Attorney Jed Strong

Attorney Jed StrongJed Strong is the founder of Strong Law. He knows that accident injuries can be devastating to individuals and families, so he does everything in his power to ensure his clients recover every bit of compensation they deserve. Prior to representing accident victims, Jed worked for GEICO insurance company as one of its in-house attorneys – representing the insurance companies. After learning the inner workings of insurance companies, he quit and began representing accident victims. [ Attorney Bio ]

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    1120 Pacific Avenue, Suite 110
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    Contact an Experienced Tacoma Car Accident Attorney Today


    After a serious car accident, you can be left traumatized and unsure of where to turn, but you can trust Strong Law to help. You can count on us to put together a compelling case for you and aggressively fight for justice and a settlement that will relieve your financial problems and make your burdens easier to bear. Let our experienced car accident lawyers in Tacoma give you the peace of mind of knowing you have someone fighting to protect your best interests in a car accident injury case. We have offices in three states and conveniently located offices in Tacoma, Portland, and SLC.

    Do not delay, as there are time limits for filing a case in court. Washington’s statute of limitations (RCW 4.16.080) is generally three years from the date of your accident or injury or after a wrongful death occurs. If you do not file in time, you may be permanently barred from recovering any compensation for your injuries. In addition, it is important to have our lawyers start working on your case as soon as possible while the evidence is fresh, and witnesses can be found.

    Call our car accident lawyers in Tacoma today at 206-741-1053 for a free initial consultation to discuss your individual situation and see how we can help. There is no charge unless we win a settlement for you.